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Monday, October 26, 2015

Getting Rid of Palo Verde Borers Using Insecticides

Q. I am having an issue with my Palo Verdes for 2 years now. I had them treated with the systemic fertilization last August and again this past April. Now I have those beetles again. The tree service company is doing another treatment this Monday. They tell me there is nothing to do except treat this but it won’t get rid of them now. What good is the treatment which is expensive and I still have them? There is white sap dripping on my driveway and walkway and these flying beetles are disgusting.

A.  If this pest, a long horned beetle with grubs or larva that are quite large, one systemic treatment around the roots with that the proper insecticide should last one year. You can do this yourself with this product this is a concentrated insecticide that should last you several years if you need to repeat it.

I am not sure why your particular tree is getting attacked so frequently. That is unusual. Borers usually go after trees that are stressed so make sure that your tree, since it is a desert tree, is receiving deep but infrequent irrigations and not frequent irrigations. Frequent irrigations, particularly frequent shallow irrigations, can cause stress to these trees and may contribute to this problem.

Here are a couple of links for you to follow

How to Use Adonis: The label of this product says to apply approximately 1/2 fluid ounce diluted in water every 1000 ft.² of area. You would wear unlined plastic gloves. Measure the area where you want to make the application in square feet. Estimate how much water you would require to pour it evenly over this area. For every 1000 ft.² of area that you measured, add 1/2 fluid ounce to this water making sure that this insecticide is mixed completely with this water. Pour this mixture over this area as evenly as possible. Wash any containers or measuring devices and apply any of this wash to the same area. Do not wash it down drains or toilets or in the street. Use a hose with the spray nozzle and moderately wash this solution into the soil. Use enough water with the hose to wash it off of the surface and into the ground an inch. Do not apply too much water or you may wash the chemical deeper than the insects and roots.

If this tree is on drip irrigation, you can take this same amount of insecticide and mix it in a 5 gallon bucket and pour it over each of the drip emitters. Lightly wash this solution off of the surface of the soil or mulch and into the soil several inches.

Hose-End Sprayer. Another method of application is to purchase a hose end spray applicator. These attach to the end of a hose and meters the insecticide through the applicator onto the area where you are applying it.

When to Apply It: These applications would be done once a year as soon as the tree has finished blooming, not before it blooms or during bloom. Make the application just after the irrigation cycle has finished for the tree and for the lawn. Make sure you lightly wash the insecticide from the surface of any plants or the soil after you make the application. Make sure you rinse everything that contain the insecticide and apply it to the lawn or beneath the tree. Rinse everything three times to make sure the insecticide is gone.

Viragrow Delivers!

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