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Friday, January 9, 2015

Apply Oil Now for Decreased Pest Problems in Summer

Why play catch-up this summer? Take care of pests now. Oils sprayed on fruit trees, landscape trees and shrubs will reduce pests this season. And houseplants! You don't have to spray the entire plant if you can't reach it. Focus on the trunk or trunks, the base of the plant where it meets the soil and lower limbs. Suffocates aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, mites and many other soft-bodied insects that decided your yard is a winter resort. Many horticulturists consider these oils to be the most important sprays for the coming year.
cochineal scale of opuntia cactus

Oleander scale

brown citrus scale

brown citrus scale
These are specially formulated oils aimed at suffocating pests while they wait for warmer weather. They used to be called "dormant oils" but that term is old fashioned. The oils nowadays are much safer for plants and can be sprayed any time temperatures are below 90F. But now is a great time because insects don't move around much or fly.

This is the pint size, suitable for just a few trees and shrubs. Mix about one ounce per gallon of finished spray.
This is the 2 1/2 gallon size and good for many plants or can be shared. The rate is the same, about one ounce per gallon of spray. It does not go bad. Stores forever!

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